Tuesday, July 28, 2009
HOME....My Most Rambling Post to Date
KayLi on the other hand had one kinda rough night where she woke up crying twice, was easily consoled and since then seems to just love home. It is such a joy to see her here, playing where I have imagined and dreamed her to be for so long. Just thinking of it and writing this brings tears to my eyes for the one billionth time!
We had a pretty uneventful flight home from LA which was followed by such a sweet welcome! I'll post pictures of it when I coax them from everyone who was snapping away as I fought tears. So many people made posters and banners....sooooo sweet!
We were so surprised to see Allie's mom and sister here...they were very sneaky and told no one they weyre coming up. Ryan's best friend since forever and his little sister were also big surprises. It was wonderful to see everyone and overwhelming to know that so many gave up their Saturday night to welcome KayLi home.
My sweet friend Traci meet as at the airpot with her Little Asian Sensation. She wrote the sweetest post about our homecoming. You can check it out here. Thanks so much to everyone for making our homecming so special! You're the bestest!!!!
KayLi is such a little mimic...or as Allie so loving puts it "She's a little Chinese parrot that mocks me." At the airport she quickly caught on to the way we were going around hugging everyone and found it great fun to do the same. She is so much more outgoing than I ever would have imagined her to be. She's funny and charming and waaaayyyy more vocal than I thought was possible. I wrongly had this assumption that her cleft palate and speach impediment would have caused her to be a quiet child....yeah right! She's actually pretty loud and fits right in our nousy house. We are working on her understanding of "Shhhh."
And this house has been extra nouisy lately. Ryan, his best friend Josh and little sister Jordan, my brother Jason, sis in law Wendy, my 4 yr. old newphew Will, my mom, Allie's mom Sharon and sister Susan (who decided to skip the insanity and stay at a hotel) were all here for our first full day home Sunday. It's been crazy & wonderful all at once. Definitly not a quiet first few days home. Those days will come but for now, I'm thankful that everyone is getting to know KayLi a little. We are enjoying a full house. Sharon, Susan, Josh & Jordan all headed home yesterday morning. Followed by Ryan last night. Now it's just Jason, Wendy, Will and mom and I'll take them to the airport tomorrow afternoon. The house will seem empty, I'm sure.
Ryan is totally infatuated with KayLi! When it's not early and I'm not rambling, I'll post more about them....just too cute! The nannies really prepared KayLi for us. She seemed to regonize, him & both the grandma's from the photo album we sent. Which I think I will order a copy cat version of from Red Thread, since they asked to keep the origonal. It won't be the same one we sent but I think it will be good for KayLi to look through one just like it with us. Not to mention that she will have it to show her children.
We took KayLi to the doctor yesterday and were happy to discover that her ear infection has cleared up...thank you Jesus! Since KayLi's TB test in China came back possitive but her X-Ray was clear, our doctor ordered another skin test that will be read tomorrow. She obviously doesn't have TB but he wants to judge his own test before making any assumptions about whether she has been exposed to it. After he looks at it tomorrow we will come up with a game plan. He said that since she tested positive once she would always test positive, so I'm a little confused as to why he wanted to test again but I'll ask more tomorrow.
KayLi just woke up and our plan for the day is to head to the local farmers market....this girls LOVES fruit! So I better get a move on finally making breakfast. It's so nice to be able to cook for her! I promise more pictures and a cohesive post when life settles into a wonderful new normal. Until then we are totally enjoying the honeymoon!!!!
Oh, a small prayer request. One of the children in our travel group has the chicken pox, so KayLi has been exposed to them too. Please pray that she doesn't come down with them before we get her vaccinated. Thanks in advance for praying...you're awesome :0)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
One Step Closer to Home
I can't wait to land in Midland! KayLi will meet her grandma, big brother, aunt, uncle, cousin and many wonderful friends that we consider family!
We are almost home!!!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Other Side of the World
After we exhaled, we decided to finally visit the park across the street before the oath ceremony at three. I wish we had taken more time to really explore it more...it was sooooo beautiful. You would think that I wouldn't have been so surprised by the beauty but this country keeps taking my breath away.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
USCIS Prayer Request
Today was our consulate appointment, when our paperwork was reviewed by the American consulate to decide if all of our paperwork was in order and KayLi's visa could be approved. We and four other families had an issue with updates for special needs approval being sent from the US Citizenship & Immigration Services to the consulate. We will be trying to have those updates faxed to the consulate here asap and I will need to make phone calls to try and get that done at 9:00 pm here ( in 15 minutes) when they open at 8:00am in the states. One other family had the same issue yesterday and got things cleared up by this morning, so we are hopeful that we will get things sent soon and get things cleared up here tomorrow morning, since our oath ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Please, pray that we fine favor and that paperwork flows smoothly to where it needs to be. One person needs to fax one paper to one office and everything will be fine. I am certain that God did not bring us this far in our journey to desert us in the final moments. This is just one last battle before we bring our daughter home.
Since the person with the vital paper was sleeping while we were trying to wait patiently, we decided to stroll around Shamian island again. I'm sorry that I was a little concerned with everything and didn't take many pictures today. I do like this picture of Allie pushing KayLi's loaded down stroller and Emily looking up at all the beautiful trees.
Thanks so much for your prayers!!!
We love Y'all!!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We LOVE Shamian Island!!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sights & Shops
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Catching Up
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Internet troubles!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Praise God for Third Days!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Gotcha & Day Two
I'm so thankful that we were able to bring antibiotics with us because she has ear infections in both ears that you can literally smell. The doctor from the orphanage told us that she has had several but that they always clear up.Which makes me think he knows she has them now. She's had three doses and the smell seemed a little less intense tonight but maybe I'm getting used to it. She messes with her right ear the most and it has the strongest odor. I was expecting an infection in her left ear but I'm certain it's worse in the right. Please pray that they heal quickly. Our flight to Guangzhou is Friday and we really for her ears to be cleared up before then.
These have been, beyond a doubt, the most joyous and challenging two days of my life. When she is understood and happy, her smile is huge and her laugh is contagious. But when she is confused or mourning over all she has lost, it is gut wrenching. Please pray that what I have read on so many blogs is true...that the third day is when they begin to accept the changes. We are almost helpless at comforting her once she begins to meltdown and we really need to see God's transforming power at work soon. I understand that bounding is a process and I am prepared for it to take time. But while we go through this process please pray that God will be our comfort and that He will give us wisdom. Pray that tomorrow there will be more joy than sadness and that KayLi will know how very loved she is.